Københavns Universitets Videoportal

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Impact of the humanities 

Through this symposium, with three presentations and the subsequent panel debate, the Faculty of Humanities aims at qualifying the debate about impact assessment and evaluation systems in the humanities - and beyond.


  • Paul Benneworth, University of Twente, Netherlands
    Senior Researcher, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente; coordinator of the HERA VALUE project (FP7), aimed at establishing recommendations for measuring the effect humanities research.
  • Mikkel B. Rasmussen, ReD Associates
    Co-founder of and Senior Partner in the innovation and strategy consultancy Red Associates, which employs methods from the social sciences and humanities to study human behaviour.

  • Christoph Köller
    Managing Director, Görgen & Köller GmbH; works in several projects with research organizations in order to improve the impact of their social sciences and humanities research.

01:36:00 minutes
Tags: #humimpact, christoph köller, mikkel b. rasmussen, paul benneworth

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