Københavns Universitets Videoportal

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Matchmaking Events at SCIENCE Part 2

Meet Tobias, a young entrepreneur, who has set out to make matured whisky in 14 days in his newly formed company EtOH Spirits, with the help of Esben, a student at the MSc programme in Food Science and Technology at University of Copenhagen.

In this short video they talk about their collaboration and how they met at a Matchmaking Event at SCIENCE. Four times a year, the Faculty of Science (SCIENCE) at University of Copenhagen hosts Matchmaking Events where companies and students meet to discuss project collaboration.

02:21 minutes
Tags: det natur- og biovidenskabelige fakultet, entreprenørskab, iværksætter, Københavns Universitet, matchmaking, naturvidenskab, science, University of Copenhagen, virksomhedsprojekt, virksomhedssamarbejde

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