Københavns Universitets Videoportal

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The Capital Region of Denmark spends 140 million DKK a year on investigation and remediation of soil contamination that poses a threat to our groundwater resources, land use or indoor climate .

The geology of the Region is dominated by heterogeneous glacial sediments, and this complex geology makes it a challenging task to characterize the migration of soil contamination to the underlying groundwater reservoirs, which is dominated by sand structures in the otherwise low-permeable clay matrix.

This project will develop, test and commercialize an innovative and cost-efficient method based on cross-borehole georadar for detailed investigation of migration pathways of soil contamination between boreholes on order to protect groundwater resources.

The method will decrease the uncertainty in Region Hovedstaden's risk assessments regarding contamination remediation and reduce the costs for environmental investigations of contaminated sites. The developed method will be commercialized to be available for use for non-geophysicists

01:14 minutes
Tags: geology, georadar, glacial sediments, groundwater resources

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