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Rapid fire presentations 'Continuity of chronic healthcare among forcibly displaced persons’, round 1

5 rapid fire presentations by selected researchers at the symposium ‘Continuity of chronic healthcare among forcibly displaced persons’ on 14 September 2023:

1) Continuity of Cancer Care and Treatment for Ukrainian Refugees in the Republic of Moldova / Violina Nazaria (Migration Health Division, International Organization for Migration)

2) Pathways in Bridging the Gap in Epilepsy Care among Refugees of Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda / Ariane Dora Niteka (Bethesda Medical Centre and Bridge of Solidarity)

3) The role of village health teams in maintaining continuity of cardio-metabolic disease care amongst forcibly displaced persons in Bidi bidi, Uganda / Dricile Ratib (Muni University)

4) Policy analysis of Non-Communicable Disease (NCDs) in Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus (HDPxN) in Libya, Yemen and Iraq / Sali Hafez (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

5) Experiences of (dis)continuity of medication for hypertension and diabetes among displaced populations in Lebanon and Iraq / Éimhín Ansbro (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

01:40:02 minutes
Tags: global health, school of global health

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