Københavns Universitets Videoportal

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Gender Wage Gap (03:25)

Sonja Settele explains how she ran a survey in the US to study...

Inequality and Fairness (53:25)

Lessons from Combining Subjective and Objective Data. Session by...

Does Hope Matter to the Poor? (01:40)

Keynote speak by professor Travis J. Lybbert at the Nordic...

Does Contract Farming Work? (01:36)

Key note speak by professor Marc F. Bellemare at the Nordic...

Development Economics Research Group (DERG) (02:18)

What makes DERG different?

Master in Economics (02:18)

Take your master in Economics at Copenhagen University

Jean Tirole: Economics for the Common Good (01:38:41)

On 5 October 2018, the French economist and Nobel Laureate in...

Thomas Piketty (01:03:21)

The French economist Thomas Piketty visited the Center for Economic...

International Master in Economics (02:43)

International Master in Economics. Social Sciences make af...
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