Københavns Universitets Videoportal

Videoer Kanaler Søg

Are there forests in Greenland? (01:29)

The plantation in Qanassiassat a couple of miles away from...

Meet postdoc Tatiana who introduces her... (03:35)

In this weeks "meet the researchers" video postdoc Tatiana...

The world is our laboratory! (02:52)

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource ManagementAt the...


“When the dogs are gone” is a series of five short stories,...

Genetic code for Greenland Diabetes uncovered (02:30)

Scientists from University of Copenhagen have identified a specific...

Secrets of the Ice – Part 3 (23:05)

On top of the Greenland ice sheet a group of icecore-scientists are...

Secrets of the Ice – Part 2 (17:34)

On top of the Greenland ice sheet a group of icecore-scientists are...

Secrets of the Ice – Part 1 (16:01)

On top of the Greenland ice sheet scientists are starting a project...

Secrets of the Ice - Part 4 (19:12)

On top of the Greenland ice sheet a group of icecore-scientists are...
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