Københavns Universitets Videoportal

Videoer Kanaler Søg

Welcome to green UCPH-1080p-210713.mp4 (01:13)

Welcome to UCPH, What can UCPH do to help the green tranformation...

Virtual Tour City Campus (03:54)

Where on campus can you buy the best coffee before your lecture?...

Besøg KU til Åbent Hus 2018 (ultrakort version) (00:37)

Få billeder af hverdagen for studerende på KU's fire campusser. Og...

UCPH South Campus (01:58)

South Campus is home to the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of...

City Campus (01:38)

På City Campus er Center for Sundhed og Samfund (CSS) placeret...
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