Københavns Universitets Videoportal

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Emily and Minaka talk about Food Innovation and... (02:34)

Emily and Minaka talk about their MSc programme. Leanr more about...

Velkommen til Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet (04:01)

Welcome to The Faculty of Health and Medical... (04:01)

Innovationsprisen 2023 : Thue W. Schwartz (01:43)

Conducting a clinical trial (1of7): About the... (01:40)

Things to consider when conducting a clinical trial while also...

Sustainability Lecture with Olivier de Schutter (01:25:10)

"The Enabling State: Building the Ecological Transition on Social...

Innovation og co-creation (tekstet) (09:03)

I denne video fortæller post doc Simon Lex Westergaard og...

Innovationsprisen 2020 (01:38)

Vinder af Innovationsprisen 2020, danske undertekster

My Herd Informer - startup i SCIENCE Innovation... (02:06)

Develop your business idea through an elective course - boost your...

Welcome to the Innovation Hub (05:30)

If you have an idea for a start-up during your studies, the...

Velkommen til Innovationshubben (03:59)

Som jurastuderende kan du får råd, vejledning og kontorplads hos...

Det siger studerende og undervisere om... (01:03)

Se hvad studerende og undervisere har taget med sig fra det...
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