Københavns Universitets Videoportal

Videoer Kanaler Søg

Biggest surprise.mov (01:42)

Best Advice for new students (01:53)

Why choose UCPH.mov (01:01)

Studying at UCPH (01:39)

Living in Copenhagen (01:26)

Living in Denmark for Internationals (02:09)

Befriending the Danes - an intercultural... (10:52)

This video is part of the welcome programme for new international...

Anthropology at work: International students'... (01:51)

How does an idea for a research project come about? When PhD...

Study Science at the University of Copenhagen... (02:00)

Meet Elizabeth and Alex who study at the University of Copenhagen...

Study Science at the University of Copenhagen... (01:54)

Meet Elizabeth and Alex who study at the University of Copenhagen...

Four UCPH campuses (02:08)

The University of Copenhagen has four campus areas. As distances in...

UCPH International Summer Programme (02:39)

Check out all the international summer courses that University of...
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