Københavns Universitets Videoportal

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Jean Tirole: Economics for the Common Good (01:38:41)

On 5 October 2018, the French economist and Nobel Laureate in...

Sustainability lecture 25112014 (01:16:00)

Why Do We Ignore Risk in Power Economics? Sean Meyn, Director of...

Opening session of Sustainability Science... (01:36:00)

October 22nd 2014, Global Challenges: Achieving Sustainability...

Closing session of Sustainability Science... (01:29:00)

October 24th 2014, Global Challenges: Achieving Sustainability...

Plenary session: Changing the way we think (01:32:00)

October 24th 2014, Global Challenges: Achieving Sustainability...

Plenary session: Infrastructure and capacity... (01:30:00)

October 23rd 2014, Global Challenges: Achieving Sustainability...

Plenary session: Life on Earth: When the terms... (01:09:00)

October 23rd 2014, Global Challenges: Achieving Sustainability...

Plenary session: Growing society sustainably (01:28:00)

October 22nd 2014, Global Challenges: Achieving Sustainability...

Plan(t)s for the future (10:17)

Professor Barbara Ann Halkier from the Department of Plant and...

Deformable screens that change shape (08:33)

Postdoc Esben Warming Pedersen from the Department of Computer...

Beer production (13:15)

Associate Professor Henrik Siegumfeldt from the Department of Food...

Universe of Physics - Episode 1: The Laws Of... (12:06)

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