Københavns Universitets Videoportal

Videoer Kanaler Søg

Master students at Physics of Ice, Climate and... (12:44)

At the Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth at the Niels Bohr...

DQC, Danish Quantum Community (01:30)

Presentation of the Danish Quantum Community, DQC for the...

Interview med Albert Sneppen (01:29)

Han har gjort det igen. 24-årige Albert Sneppen står bag endnu en...

Kvanteforskere opfinder unik teknologi til... (02:17)

Et fremtidigt cyberangreb kan lamme hele Danmarks kritiske...

Danmarks første kvantesikrede... (02:30)

Interview med prof. Peter LodahlTEST AF KVANTEKRYPTERING: Danske...

Niels Bohr Institute about the war in Ukraine (10:57)

Researchers and students at the Niels Bohr Institute talk about how...

Orsted To Bohr To Now – Charles Marcus Talk (01:06:24)

Livestream from a public lecture by Professor Charles Marcus at...

The warped side of the universe (35:28)

Professor Kip Stephen Thorne, California Institute of Technology,...

"Invisibility Cloak" by professor Sir John Pendry (25:22)

Three of the world’s leading researchers were awarded the UNESCO...

The past & future of the web (31:01)

Professor Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, Massachusetts Institute of...

International students at the Niels Bohr Institute (11:34)

Meet Tommaso from Italy, Yongbiao from China and Sarah from...

Neem ice core camp (03:11)

Tyler Jones, University of Colorado, takes you on a free ride round...
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