Københavns Universitets Videoportal

Videoer Kanaler Søg

Scientists turn up calorie-burning in brown fat... (03:07)

An exceptional receptor on the surface of brown fat cells drives...

“I was quite amazed when I arrived at CBMR” (01:44)

Nicole Fadahunsi is starting her third year of her PhD at CBMR,...

New genetic links to diabetes and obesity... (03:18)

The Barrès Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic...

Can a virus from poop make us thinner? (10:07)

Episode 3 of the Tv-series Young Scientists and Food See episode 1...

Presentation of GECKO (02:42)

Presentation of the goals and focus of GECKO (Gametic Epigenetics...

The Research at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center... (05:34)

Governing Obesity (tekstet) (02:39)

At the University of Copenhagen the interdisciplinary Research...

Governing Obesity - Societal and Individual... (02:39)

At the University of Copenhagen the interdisciplinary Research...

What your father ate before you were born could... (03:41)

Sperm Carries Information about Dad’s Weight. Different epigenetic...
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