Københavns Universitets Videoportal

Videoer Kanaler Søg

Prof. Hanne Nielsen about the center (01:59)

Professor Hanne Mørck Nielsen talks about the aim and goals of the...

Workshops on English-medium instruction for... (05:20)

The workshop are tailored to students from the same department or...

The Faculty of Science (06:55)

The video gives you an idea about what goes on at the Faculty of...

Study Physics at the University of Copenhagen (03:02)

Study Nanoscience at the University of Copenhagen (03:03)

Study Bioinformatics at the University of... (02:47)

Medicinalkemi på Københavns Universitet (03:50)

Uddannelse i medicinalkemi på Københavns Universitet. Mød en...

Biofilm online course - Faculty of Health Sciences (03:37)

Copenhagen Competition 2009 Reportage (09:58)

The Copenhagen Competition: Protocol on Climate Change - an...
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