Københavns Universitets Videoportal

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“I was quite amazed when I arrived at CBMR” (01:44)

Nicole Fadahunsi is starting her third year of her PhD at CBMR,...

New genetic links to diabetes and obesity... (03:18)

The Barrès Group at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic...

New research points toward better and longer... (02:27)

Scientists at the University of Copenhagen has deepened our...

Semb group: From Basic Research to... (06:01)

This video summarizes the work done by many scientists and...

The Semb group - from basic research to... (06:01)

The Semb group at DanStem has two main goals: 1) to understand the...

The mPatient on Social Media (01:41)

Online communities for persons with type 1 diabetes is increasing...

Sjælsmark - Experiences from refugees affected... (09:26)

From the online course "NCDs in Humanitarian Settings"

Forskningen på Novo Nordisk Foundation Center... (05:34)

The Research at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center... (05:34)

Diabetes and Stem Cells (11:23)

415 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with diabetes and...

Coachingforedrag v/ Ayse B. Cinar 22. september... (44:35)

Empowerment based Health Coaching for Patients with Diabetes Type II

Fuld version: FIFAs dokumentarfilm om Center... (11:02)

FIFA – det internationale fodboldforbund – har produceret en film...
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