Københavns Universitets Videoportal

Videoer Kanaler Søg

Master of Science in Biosolutions (04:20)

Biosolutions is a new master's programme based in Kalundborg and...

TV-series at TV2 Lorry: The young researchers... (10:09)

Rasmus Riemer Jakobsen is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Food...

Can taste help to change the world? (07:24)

Episode 1 of the Tv-series Young Scientists and Food See episode 2...

Can a virus from poop make us thinner? (10:07)

Episode 3 of the Tv-series Young Scientists and Food See episode 1...

Vibeke Orlien presents the HP lab at UCPH FOOD (00:44)

Associate Professor Vibeke Olien shows how a solution of milk...

How high pressure can transform liquids into... (00:49)

Associate Professor Vibeke Orlien presents the high pressure lab at...

Welcome to the 11th International Conference on... (02:13)

The conference will be held from July 7th to 10th 2020, at the...

The Food Detective's Toolbox (12:36)

More and more cases in recent years have shown that we need methods...

Metabolomics (15:07)

There is a growing interest from society and consumers to examine...

The Indonesian fermented food tempe in... (04:02)

Head Chef at the Nordic Food Lab, University of Copenhagen, Roberto...

Beer production (13:15)

Associate Professor Henrik Siegumfeldt from the Department of Food...

Study Food Science and Technology at the... (02:57)

Meet an international student and the Head of Studies at the Food...
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