CIP SYMPOSIUM 2014 - 1 What does Institutional Globalization Mean for Foreign Language Education in the US? Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Models for the Less Commonly Taught Languages

29. september 2014
Velkomst Anne Holmen, centerleder i CIP

Sprogstrategisk satsning på Københavns Universitet
Jens Erik Mogensen, prodekan for uddannelse
Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
Formand for Styregruppen for Sprogstrategisk satsning

What does Institutional Globalization Mean for Foreign Language Education in the US? Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Models for the Less Commonly Taught Languages

Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl
Director of the Center for Language Study, Yale University
Stefane Charitos
Director of the Language Resource Center, Columbia University