Better education with video

The purpose of the Centre for Online and Blended Learning is to promote the use of digital teaching methods, improve learning outcomes and increase flexibility for staff and students at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. 

The Centre is responsible for locating and supporting the teaching programmes in which digital media and online tools can contribute to increased learning, motivation and commitment. In addition, the Centre is offering professional media production for educational purposes as well as advice and support regarding production of digital learning materials, ranging from individual flexible components or longer modules, to blended learning in campus courses, traditional online courses, virtual labs and massive open online courses (MOOCs).

The Centre is organized as a section under the Department of Students Affairs at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and is located at the Centre for Health and Society.

Centre for Online and Blended Learning

Free Online Course: Data Literacy - What is it and Why...

587 visninger 9. december 2021

Join now: About...

Centre for Online and Blended Learning

Workshop for KU undervisere: Hjælp dine studerende (og...

336 visninger 2. december 2021

Workshop for KU undervisere: Hjælp dine studerende (og dig selv) godt i gang med det nye semester

Centre for Online and Blended Learning

One Health v. Professor Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen

2.343 visninger 4. juni 2018

En tilgang til at løse globale sundhedsudfordringer

Centre for Online and Blended Learning

Personalised Medicine – Free online course

1.593 visninger 7. januar 2022

Trailer for the online course Personalised Medicine from a Nordic Perspective. The technical...