Intra-Asian Connections: Interactions, flows - Opening, Keynote lecture by Professor Prasenjit Duara
The opening of the conference
Prorector Thomas Bjørnholm
Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs Martin Lidegaard
Associate dean of Humanities Julie Sommerlund
Keynote lecture by Professor Prasenjit Duara
"Circulatory and Competitive Histories: Temporal Foundations for Cosmopolitan Theory"
6th annual International Conference
22-24 October 2014 - Asian Dynamics Initiative - University of Copenhagen
The Asian Dynamics Initiative (ADI) is pleased to announce the conference 'Intra-Asian Connections: Interactions, flows, landscapes' to be held at the University of Copenhagen on 22-24 October 2014.
The conference will take place over three days and feature distinguished keynote speakers as well as panels emphasizing intra-Asian connections in order to highlight the historical contingency of modern borders and hence of area studies themselves.
Through comparative and cross‐border perspectives we seek out opportunities to rethink the ‘maps in our minds’; to theorize alternative temporalities, spatialities and modernities that emerge when Asia is not simply cast in opposition to the West; and to seek alternative epistemological grounding in conceptualizations of interactions, flows, and more dynamic landscapes.
'Intra-Asian Connections: Interactions, flows, landscapes' is the sixth in a series of annual, interdisciplinary conferences initiated by ADI in 2008. ADI is a cross-faculty and interdisciplinary effort to meet the current challenges and demands for better knowledge of and deeper insights into Asian matters.