Tharangambadi - Restoration of Governor Bungalow - Tamil version
The film is about the residence of the former Danish governor in Tranquebar/Tharangampadi, which from 1620-1845 was a Danish trading station in India. Today the house is owned by the Government of Tamil Nadu. From 2009–2011, it was thoroughly restored by the Pondicherry chapter of INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage), who also produced this film.
Historian Simon Rastén and architect Niels Erik Jensen from the National Museum of Denmark provided historic research and architectural consultancy as part of the restoration project financed by a private donation and hosted by the Danish National Museum’sTranquebar Initiative (2004-2016), research leader Professor Esther Fihl, dir. Centre for Comparative Cultural Studies, ToRS, University of Copenhagen and who in 2015 received rights to store and distribute the movie.
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