Sustainability Lecture: Pathways to 100% Renewable Energy - The electrification of all sectors
Sustainability Science Centre
This lecture explores how the 6th largest economy, aka California plans to meet its carbon and renewable energy goals as it transitions the economy to GHG free solutions. The focus will be on new programs on the State level to encourage efficiency, demand response, electric transportation, storage and regionalisation of the electricity grid to allow for more intermittent solar and wind power resources to integrate into the power infrastructure.
Angelina Galiteva is an attorney and holds a J.D. and LLM Degrees, specialising in Environmental and Energy Law. She works to structure and advance the implementation of cutting edge energy policies that reflect the increasing role of renewable energy, storage, energy efficiency, electric mobility and distributed energy technologies worldwide.
The event took place on 17 May 2018 and was moderated by Kristian Cedervall Lauta, Associate Professor at the Center for International Law, University of Copenhagen.