Sustainability Lecture: Sustainable diets - why and how? Part I

Sustainability Science Centre
21. maj 2019
A sustainability seminar, held on 8 May 2019, with Brent Loken from EAT and Daniel Vennard from World Resources Institute, followed by responses and debate with experts, companies and organisations from the Danish food sector.

Moderator: Katherine Richardson, leader of Sustainability Science Centre, University of Copenhagen.

Hosts: Denmark’s green think tank CONCITO and University of Copenhagen’s Sustainability Science Centre.

Session I: Presentations by EAT and WRI (this video)

Opening address: Connie Hedegaard, chairman of CONCITO
Feeding 10 billion a healthy and sustainable diet Presentation of the EAT-Lancet Commission’s report on Food in the Anthropocene Brent Loken, Director of Science Translation
14.45-15.15 From why to how: Nudging consumers towards a sustainable diet Presentation of WRI’s Better Buying Lab Daniel Vennard, Director of Better Buying Lab
Clarifying questions and comments from audience

Session II: Responses from Danish experts and stakeholders and questions from audience (seperate video)

Marie Trydeman Knudsen, Researcher at Aarhus University’s Department of Agroecology and member of the Danish Council on Climate Change
Arne Astrup, professor and head of department at University of Copenhagen’s Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports
Jakob Jønck, CEO, Simple Feast
Signe Frese, CSR Director, COOP Denmark
Jan Johannesen, Sustainability Director, Arla
Michael Minter, Head of programme, CONCITO

Questions and comments from audience to presentations from EAT and WRI