Sustainability Lecture - Wild Fires and Wild Policies: Sustaining the World’s forests and their life supporting functions.

Sustainability Science Centre
19. november 2019
Wild fires are not at all common in rainforests, but sadly wild policies are becoming more common. Climate change has reached a tipping point, becoming a climate crisis that is having a domino effect on many of our world’s forests and agroforests. Forests made our planet more habitable, and their destruction will make it distinctly uninhabitable for humans and much other terrestrial life. This talk explored the benefits of our forests, how their functions transcend national boundaries, and how our strategies and actions should also transcend them.

Tony Simons has worked for over thirty years on issues at the agriculture/forestry interface. This experience has been gained in over 50 countries in the private sector (Shell), academia (University of Oxford), official development assistance (ODA/DFID) and research (CGIAR). He has a PhD in genetics from Cambridge University (UK) as well as an Honorary Professorship in Tropical Forestry at the University of Copenhagen.

The talk took place on 24 October 2019 and was moderated by Bo Larsen, Professor at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen.

The event was organised by the Sustainability Science Centre at the University of Copenhagen and the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN), as a part of the Sustainability Lecture Series.