Virtual Reality in Healthcare

27. oktober 2016

English version below..

Kom med den 27. oktober, hvor SUNDidé vil introducere jer til en ny verden af muligheder med Virtual Reality, som blandt andet involverer nye behandlingsmuligheder i psykiatrien og nye træningsmuligheder for sundhedsfagligt personale.
Vi har inviteret 3 speakers til at komme og fortælle om deres erfaringer med Virtual Reality, og hvordan Virtual Reality teknologien kan bruges i sundhedssektoren.

Virtual Reality giver mulighed for at udforske og interagere i opstillede miljøer, hvilket gør det muligt at teste, simulere og øve et utal af situationer i arbejdet med sundhed og sygdom.

Læs mere om Virtual Reality på:


- Niels Christian Nilsson
Ansat ved Aalborg Universitet København hvor han i 2015 færdiggjorde en PhD omkring naturlig gang i virtual reality. Han er tilknyttet Multisensory Experience Lab og har arbejdet med Virtual Reality igennem de sidste seks år. Niels’ forskningsinteresser inkluderer naturlig interaktion i Virtual Reality, presence studier, og evaluering af brugeres oplevelser.

- William Hamilton
Medstifter af mimerse, et selskab der bruger Virtual Reality i psykoterapi.

- Shafi Ahmed
Kirurg og medstifter af Medical Realities, et selskab der giver muligheder for at bruge Virtual Reality som træningsredskab inden for kirugi.

- Efter vores tre speakere har holdt oplæg vil der være mad og drikke, samt mulighed for at prøve VR-headsets og mingle med speakerne.

- Efterfølgende vil SUNDidé holde generalforsamling, med en snak om organisationens fremtid. Kom og vær med!

Det er et gratis event, og åbent for alle interesserede.

Stay tuned for mere information og lokation!
- SUNDidé


English Version:

The 27th of October, SUNDidé got the opportunity to introduce the new Virtual Reality Universe.
You are invited to come and meet a range of speakers and presenters talking about their own experiences inside this emerging technology and be part of the researches that are taking place with focus on Virtual Reality and health care.

“Virtual Reality is a computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.”

Read more about Virtual Reality:


- Niels Christian Nilsson
Currently employed at Aalborg University Copenhagen where he in 2015 completed a PhD on natural walking in virtual reality. He is affiliated with the Multisensory Experience Lab and has worked with Virtual Reality for the past six years. Niels’ research interests include natural interaction in Virtual Reality, presence studies, and user experience evaluation.

- William Hamilton
Co-founder of Mimerse, a company using virtual reality in psychotherapy.

- Shafi Ahmed
A surgeon and co-founder of Medical Realities, a company producing new possibilities for training health care professionals with Virtual Reality.

After the talks we will serve foods and drinks, there will be VR-headsets for you to try and it will be possible to mingle with the speakers as well.

SUNDidé will also have our annual general meeting afterwards, where we will talk about the future of our student organisation, feel free to join, you don't have to be a KU student ;)

The event is free and open for everyone.

Stay tuned for more information, and exact location!
- SUNDidé