Københavns Universitets Videoportal

Videoer Kanaler Søg

TV-serie på TV2 Lorry: De unge forskere og... (12:20)

Charlotte Vinther Schmidt er postdoc ved Institut for...

TV-serie på TV2 Lorry: De unge forskere og... (10:09)

Rasmus Riemer Jakobsen er ph.d. studerende ved Institut for...

TV-serie på TV2 Lorry: De unge forskere og... (07:01)

TV-serie på TV2 Lorry - De unge forskere og maden afsnit 4 -...

Evolutionary Hologenomics Podcast ep5: Journal... (01:22:16)

In this episode, we chat with PhD student Jacob Agerbo Rasmussen...

Video Abstract of Gut Microbiota in small fish.mp4 (01:54)

Video abstract for the publication: Gut microbiota differences...

Meet the Researches - PhD student Martin... (03:49)

Meet PhD student Martin Ellegaard from Center for Evolutionary...

Meet PhD student Sigri who presents her... (02:05)

In this week's Meet the Researchers video, PhD student Sigri Kløver...

“I was quite amazed when I arrived at CBMR” (01:44)

Nicole Fadahunsi is starting her third year of her PhD at CBMR,...

"I can sit down with any professor at any time" (02:27)

PhD Student Dylan Rausch joined CBMR in 2017 through the Bioscience...

Award of the Ester Boserup Prizes 2019:... (01:27:04)

Recording of the livestream of the award of the Ester Boserup...

Water Resources (02:22)

I earned a PhD degree in Geology-Geoscience at the University of...

PHD DAY 2015 (01:21)

The PhD Day is an annual event for all PhD and Research Year...
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